Expect warm and partly cloudy weather conditions in Loreto for the majority of the year. The hottest part of the year is between May 26 - October 8, where the temperature hovers around 91°F. During Loreto’s cool season between November 30 - March 3, temperatures drop between 78°F and 59°F.
When Northers are absent, average wind speed is 5 mph in winter. However, a standard Norther will blow 25 - 30 kts. for 2-4 days, occurring between late November and mid-March. To get live wind information from data obtained at Puerto Escondido, click here.
The hurricane season in Baja California Sur runs from mid-August through mid-October. Although a handful of hurricanes have affected the northern state of Baja California, the tropical cyclone season is almost exclusively a Baja California Sur issue. Since 1948, only four Category 1 Hurricanes, including 2014's Odile, and four Tropical Storms have made it to northern Baja California. Fortunately, Marina Puerto Escondido has amazing natural protection that makes our location one of the safest hurricane holes in all of the Sea of Cortez. To learn more about our natural protection click here.
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